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How to make money blogging – the easiest way

Hi everyone! ☺

The purpose of this post is to really help you monetize your blog or website. So I promise I’ll try to be as objective as possible and quickly give all the tips about the subject in an organized and practical way.

Briefly, the 4 best ways to make money blogging or website are:

  • Selling your own work/product online (most effective)
  • Affiliated programs (most effective one without having a product)
  • Partnering with interested business (needs external direct contacts)
  • Free ads plans like Google Adsense

The one the requires less effort to setup and start up, in my opinion is Google Adsense. So that’s what I’ll talk about today 😇

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is Google’s money-making tool, where you can make your blog or website’s spaces available to Google to automatically fill in with banners by their advertisers.

You do not have to negotiate anything with anyone, just create your account and wait for approval. When you’re all set and approved, you’ll paste on your website a single code AdSense will give you and the ads will appear automatically in different areas of your website. As your audience views and clicks the banners, you get the money from Google. It’s that simple.

Why you shouldn’t get too excited about it YET

  • How to copy and paste the codes in the blog? That can be a challenge for those who are unfamiliar with coding and marketing. But it’s not impossible. You’ll get a tutorial from Google with a step by step. But if you have a lot of trouble with this kind of things, hire a professional.
  • Not everyone is approved by Google AdSense. Your blog has to have at least a few months live, solid quality content, and clean, optimized responsive design.
  • It’s super hard to actually make money. It take LOTS of views and clicks to monetize.

Why you shouldn’t guive up

💗 But if you’re serious about it, your blog can become your extra income, yes. I’ve done it, so I know for a fact it is possible. Do the math: you need lots of visits to get clicks and views to make money blogging, right? So you’ll have to post in large quantity, with quality content, work on your SEO and spread the word on social networks. ALWAYS!

💗 Blogging is fun. Don’t lose that sipirit. Make a cool calendar with post topics and spend a few hours a day writing cool posts, use the right key words and beautiful pictures and enjoy the process.

💗 For those who also use YouTube, your channel can be linked to your AdSense account! So, when you start monetizing in both places, the money falls into your account together.

💗 AdSense is such a cool tool, it has a super-easy-to-tweak and simplified dashboard full of tips on how to improve the performance of your ads and link to Google Analytics so that you have excellent control of your blog’s audience !

AdSense banner on

Remember that there’s a lot of cool content in our day to day lives that can be turned into interesting, helpful blog posts. Just stay tuned and plan your content so your blog is always updated!

The clicks and views will come as a natural consequence 💖



PS. I have no link / sponsorship / partnership with Google, this post is strictly informative.

Lu Amaral

Aesthete: One having or affecting sensitivity to the beautiful especially in art - That's me! 💕 Graphic, digital and web design are my livelihood and my favorite hobby. That's how lucky I am.

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