Monochromatic color palette ideas to inspire your next project!

Hi guys! Today’s post goes specially to those of you currently looking for color inspiration for creative projects! 🎨✨ In this case, I created 8 color scheme ideas using one main color, but in different shades. I’ve been thinking about monochromatic color palettes for a while now, so I felt like today was the time…

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30 post and video content ideas to post over the next month

Post every day. If possible, posts twice a day. If possible, 3 times. I tell this to all my clients, and I know it sounds ambitious as hell. But it’s the best suggestion I can give to anyone who wants to succeed with their blogs. Consistency! However, while having a prolific blog is important, the quality…

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Freebie! 8 cool post dividers for your blog posts

post divider for blogs

Hey, if you’re looking for Instagram feed dividers, there’s a post here, and another one here 🙂 Good evening chicas, how are you? ☺💖 You know the importance of well-written posts, right? It makes all the difference for the reader to feel that the article was prepared carefully and thoughtfully. This is true for both…

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How to make money blogging – the easiest way

Hi everyone! ☺ The purpose of this post is to really help you monetize your blog or website. So I promise I’ll try to be as objective as possible and quickly give all the tips about the subject in an organized and practical way. Briefly, the 4 best ways to make money blogging or website…

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