New on the shop: Minimal Aesthetic theme


The minimalist aesthetic is as atemporal as it gets. No matter the time or place, there will always be room for the classy, uncomplicated and pure vibe of the minimal 🖤 I created this theme that in mind. And since I shared it on Pinterest, I saw how fascinated people were with the beauty of…

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Fall aesthetic theme – New on the shop!

fall aesthetic

Hey everybody, how’s it going? 🧡🍂 This post might me a little late, but I couldn’t just let it pass without mentioning the new beautiful amazing Fall aesthetic products up on the shop! I am a HUGE Fall enthusiast, I cannot describe how happy my heart feels when the Autumn arrives and I do everything…

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New Instagram theme: Blogger Aesthetic 💜

Hey chicas! I’m super happy to announce the new Insta theme I’ve created for the shop. This one has been requested by many of you, and I personally love the style and have been meaning to create something in this beautiful aesthetic for a while 💜 So without further adieu, here’s the Blogger aesthetic theme!…

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Instagram Feed Aesthetic: Holographic


Hey guys, so I’ve been posting a couple insta feed themes here on the blog lately, and I’ve noticed you’re enjoying them! 💖✨ Additionally to the feed itself, I include some images (all free, via Unsplash and edited to match) + some little tips on how to achieve the visual unity between the elements and,…

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New on the shop: Yellow aesthetic Instagram feed 💛


Heyy guys! How are you doing? Yellow is one of the coolest colors of the moment. Some even say it’s the new pink. For that reason, I know many of you want to use it as the main aesthetic on your Instagram feeds. So I decided to create a set of products to help you…

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Instagram feed soft aesthetic: Angel Baby


Fiz este feed atendendo a pedidos! Uma amiga querida amaaaa o estilo soft, que ela chama de angel baby e eu não sabia que tinha nome próprio hahaha, mas que é super fácil de reconhecer pra quem trabalha com design e estética tipo euzinha! Também…

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Instagram feed soft Aesthetic: Pink summer

Olá olá olá… Gente, sentei aqui pra ver um pouquinho de tv antes de dormir e fui inventar de começar a selecionar as fotinhos pra este feed de verão rosa que eu queria fazer amanhã e, corta a cena, aqui tô eu com o feed pronto e postando hoje mesmo e indo dormir bem mais…

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Instagram Feed style: Witch Aesthetic

aaahhh mas eu tô amando este feed! 💜 Quis criar algo especil com algumas fotos que tinha salvas no meu painel de bruxaria no Pinterest e acabou ficando melhor do que eu esperava. Em vez de fazer algo muito escurão e roxo, abri mais para duas tonalidades predominantes. Uma roxeada sem saturação e outra mais…

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