Hey guys!!
I got super happy to know that the previous post with 13 post dividers for insta was such a success.
You loved it, huh? In the last weeks, it’s been the most viewed post every single day here on the blog lately.
That’s awesome! 💕💕💕
By the way, it was a pleasure to see how some of you tagged me on your posts when you used the dividers. From all around the world!
It makes me so happy when you guys show me the results of what you’ve learned on the blog or the resources you’ve downloaded and turned into something great.
I always run to check it out with a huge smile on my face. It’s a huge satisfaction to me

Since the first post was such a success, thought I’d bring some more for you 🤓💖
So down below are the individual posts, and below those, two images showing how they’ll look on your Instagram grids.
Instagram feed dividers

And this is what they will look like on the feed:

More Insta feed dividers: part 1, part 3, part 4.
I’d love to read your comments about other subjects you’d like to read about here on the blog, resources you’d like to get, and your opinion about the blog in general. Thank u 🌸💙🦋