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Freebie! 8 cool post dividers for your blog posts

post divider for blogs

Hey, if you’re looking for Instagram feed dividers, there’s a post here, and another one here 🙂

Good evening chicas, how are you? ☺💖

You know the importance of well-written posts, right?

It makes all the difference for the reader to feel that the article was prepared carefully and thoughtfully. This is true for both content, and also for the appearance. The more pleasant to look at, the better! 🥰

One feature I love using here on the blog are post dividers. They separate the post into sections, delimiting virtually every part. And the cool thing is that tabs are no more than jpeg or png images that can be added like any other media to your article.

🏹 Golden Tip: Save your own dividers with an easy to remember name. So every time you want to use it, search on your media library for the name and WordPress will find the image for you.

I made these 8 dividers especially for you guys. They are all png files with transparent background to fit perfectly any blog color. I hope you like it! 🥰



Lu Amaral

Aesthete: One having or affecting sensitivity to the beautiful especially in art - That's me! 💕 Graphic, digital and web design are my livelihood and my favorite hobby. That's how lucky I am.

Quick question: What's your favourite aesthetic?
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